+91 7604044479

Cancellation Policy

  • Cancellation Charges (will be calculated from the date and time of check-in) :
    • Cancellation charge within 48 Hours 100%.
    • Cancellation charge 48 - 144 Hours (3-6 days) 50%.
    • Cancellation charge 144 - 360 Hours (7-15 days) 30%.
    • Cancellation charge 360-720 Hours (16-30 days) 20%.
    • Cancellation charge beyond 720 Hours (30 days) 10%.
  • In case of cancellation of Booking made through online system, admissible amount will be refunded within 48 hrs to 7 working days automatically in the account from which payment was made. If refund is not received within 7 working days, customer may submit, an application for refund as admissible stating Name of booking person, Bank name, Branch name, Account No. and IFSC Code. For cancellation of booking made through WBFDCL booking centre, customer may submit an application for refund as admissible stating Name of booking person, Bank name, Branch name, Account No. and IFSC Code.
  • The reservation of accommodation may be cancelled in certain unavoidable circumstances. If accommodation is not provided due to unavoidable circumstances, compensation limited to the bookvalue of permit including taxes will be admissible.